Call it useless facts, trivia, things you didn't know (or didn't want to know), whatever you want, but there are some that leave you aghast or surprised or wondering what the hell were they thinking?

I enjoy learning these facts, because it makes me feel smarter, and I sure could use more smarts!

Anyway, has listed several facts that are, how should I put this...interesting?

Here's a sample:
Wealthy Chinese families used to hire strippers for funerals.
11,000 Americans injure themselves every year, trying out bizarre sexual positions.
Urea, is a chemical found in your pee, and it is added to cigarettes to enhance flavor.
The average female orgasm lasts four times as long as an average male orgasm
Donald Duck comics used to be banned in Finland because Donald wears only a shirt and hat.
A portion of the water you drink, has already been drunk by several other people.

Facts you can use at your next party.
Your guests will think you are so smart, or just a bit left of center.


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