I am a transplant to this area, and most of my friends live a good 3 hours away.  I have a hard time getting away to see them.  My buddy, Renee, didn't want to wait and decided to make the trek to Susquehanna this weekend with a co-pilot, my new friend Gayle.

There is one thing I can count on with Renee and that is FOOD!  She is the Queen of Pennsylvania Dutch cooking.   My favorite is Chicken Pot Pie.  Now this is not the "meat pie" with crust that you know, but a kind of stew with homemade noodles, potatoes, chicken and even veggies if you decide to add them. 

I always have to work when Renee makes it.  So, Saturday, we got down to business.  She made the dough for the noodles and worked that rolling pin like a pro.  As I was peeling the potatoes, I realized how nice it is to do something as simple as cooking with a friend.  There's no need to head out on the town, go to a movie or even go shopping. 

We talked more that we would have had we done those other things.  And I learned (again) how to make her amazing dish.   We caught up on babies, her kids and the drama that is PA Dutch Country.   I got to know Gayle, too.  She is a pistol! And very good at being an assistant cook. 

I would say, though we didn't do anything "exciting" by society's standards, this weekend was a success.

We got some bonding time, I got Chicken Pot Pie and a new friend and my husband, Tom, got his favorites canned goodies (peaches and greenbeans).   Did I mention Renee cans her own stuff?

Next time you have a chance to spend time with an old friend or a long distance one, take it!  And spend it in the kitchen.   Guys:  this applies to you too!  (Beer Batter Fish anyone??).

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