It's offical. We are in Holiday Mode. That means for the rest of the year we skate through; work and anything else important suffers as we mindlessly shop, prepare and brace ourselves for the biggest celebration of the year. And it is one day. Think about it. We go through all this, of our own free will, for one day.

I think employers should give us the month from Thanksgiving and to Christmas off. Let's face it, we are so not thinking about work!

We have to shop for gifts, there are countless holiday parties, we have to deal with families. And if you have kids or grandkids we have to make them happy with our choices.
What can compete with all that?

Holiday Mode has its good points: we let everything roll off our backs and we are mostly happy. Joel McHale of "The Soup" on E TV, said it would be cool if we could stay in Holiday Mode all year round. Who can sustain that all year round? Plus we'd all be unemployed!

Enjoy this time while you can, just remember the whole work part. We do need those checks to pay for the presents.

Are you in Holiday Mode? Would you want the month from Thanksgiving to Christmas off?


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