The Beatles in Liverpool: A Walking and Driving Tour
Liverpool’s tourism industry seems to thrive on the city’s most famous sons: John, Paul, George and Ringo.
If you look past the souvenir shops, pubs named for band members and rampant urban redevelopment, a visitor on a Beatles pilgrimage can encounter plenty of sites that contributed to the beloved group’s musical heritage. All you need is love … plus a little imagination and a decent pair of walking shoes for this tour of the Beatles’ Liverpool.
For a city that's inextricably tied to the most famous band in music history, Liverpool has a spotty record when it comes to preserving its Beatles-related history. Ringo Starr’s childhood home barely escaped the wrecking ball. The same can’t be said for a handful of other buildings that had a massive impact on pop music in one way or another. When it comes to Beatles locations in Liverpool, some are gone and some remain … and at least one had to be totally rebuilt due to shortsighted city planning decisions.
But Beatles fans still can find a range of sites to see if they know where to look. The below tour includes 10 walkable downtown locations with Fab Four connections, followed by an assortment that are probably best visited by car (or a Magical Mystery Tour bus). The trek begins dockside, on the “cast iron shore” of the river Mersey.
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