I think we have all watched a movie that was set in a future world and wondered if any of it would eventually become reality.
A perfect example is the movie 'Back to the Future 2', where Michael J. Fox's character, Marty McFly, travels 30 years into the future from 1985 to 2015 in order to save his future son from getting arrested.

Well here we are in the year 2015, thirty years have passed and still no hover board or flying cars, although I don't believe movie directors in general really try to gauge the accuracy of futuristic technology. I'm sure they have fun coming up with these fictitious gadgets!

Newsweek just published an article on the accuracy of the film.

When I think about flying cars, it always takes me back to 'The Jetsons' cartoon show, where cars did not only fly, they converted into a suitcase after! Shoes that tie themselves, meh, who really cares? Fax machines are still around, so they did get that one right!

I also remember the 60's television show 'Lost in Space' that was set in the year 1997, some 30 years into the future. The show has laser guns, gadgets that could produce food and clean laundry at the push of a button, and a robot.

We do have wrist watches that we can talk into and actually see the person we're conversing with, like the old Dick Tracy cartoons and even 'The Jetsons' had Skype like technology.

So what will the next 30 years bring us? Will our cars ever fly and fold into a suitcase for easy storing?

I'm still waiting for telepods so I don' have to drive or fly, but that's just me.



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