Don Morgan and I were chatting about the special songs he is adding to the mix next Thursday, since it's Thanksgiving. After he mentioned an Adam Sandler song, I reminded him that we have to play the Hanukkah song.

He looked at me puzzled and I explained the beginning of Hanukkah falls on Thanksgiving this year. He thought I was "bsing him! I think he still doesn't believe me! But it is true. For the first time since 1888 (the time time being in 70 years), these two holidays will converge.

Happy Thanksgivukkah! At least that's what the internet is calling it.

Luckily, there are a few common elements in the holidays that will make observance a bit easier than you would think. Both celebrate thankfulness and freedom. Historically, the Pilgrims were fleeing religious persecution when they came to America, while the Jewish Maccabees were celebrating their religious freedom after defeating of the Syrian Greeks.

I wonder if Don Morgan believes me now?


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