Watch the video of Tommy and me from this morning as we do the Top 5 and telling the story of me getting thrown out of the Carnegie Deli while Tommy stayed.
It's universally known if Jim Cantore mentions the name of your town, you're experiencing a weather event of Biblical proportions. That's what happened here.
Sara Underwood just made the best, most instructional fishing video I've ever seen. Don't you agree?
Okay, so maybe I went a little far with "instructional". I can say however, that I did learn some things about myself... so there's that...
Ever want to catch a bad driver and put them out there for everyone to see? Send us your pictures/videos of bad drivers (or parking jobs) that you come across, and we can make sure to get the word out!
Dear Children: It's my job to make sure that you someday "turn into a person that I would want to hang out with". It's not my job to be your best friend.