The Worst Movies That Grossed $1 BillionThe Worst Movies That Grossed $1 BillionThese massive blockbusters are also massively bad.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Regal Cinemas’ Parent Company Files For BankruptcyRegal Cinemas’ Parent Company Files For BankruptcyThe company says it expects to stay in business.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Movie Theaters Are Offering $3 Tickets Next SaturdayMovie Theaters Are Offering $3 Tickets Next SaturdaySeptember 3 is National Cinema Day.Matt SingerMatt Singer
NY Zoos & Movie Theaters Okay to Welcome More GuestsNY Zoos & Movie Theaters Okay to Welcome More GuestsNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo says continuing improvement in the coronavirus pandemic numbers is allowing more relaxing of restrictions.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
New York Movie Theaters Can Finally Reopen, Cuomo SaysNew York Movie Theaters Can Finally Reopen, Cuomo SaysThey have been closed for almost a year.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Regal Will Close All Of Its Theaters Again Due to Lack of Movies, BusinessRegal Will Close All Of Its Theaters Again Due to Lack of Movies, BusinessWithout blockbusters to show, there’s not enough business.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Closed Movie Theaters Are Wreaking Havoc on Popcorn FarmersClosed Movie Theaters Are Wreaking Havoc on Popcorn FarmersAnyone need 80 million tubs of popcorn?Matt SingerMatt Singer
When Will Theaters Be Safe? Dr. Fauci Says Maybe the End of 2021When Will Theaters Be Safe? Dr. Fauci Says Maybe the End of 2021It could be a while before you can sit in a theater without a mask.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Movie Theaters Are Among ‘Least Essential Businesses’ That Pose the Most Risk, According to New York Governor CuomoMovie Theaters Are Among ‘Least Essential Businesses’ That Pose the Most Risk, According to New York Governor CuomoTell that to movie nerds.Matt SingerMatt Singer
This Next-Gen Movie Theater Design Looks Just Like ‘Star Wars’ Galactic SenateThis Next-Gen Movie Theater Design Looks Just Like ‘Star Wars’ Galactic SenateThis Next-Gen Theater Design Looks Just Like ‘Star Wars’ Galactic SenateMatt SingerMatt Singer