No Long Lines or Police Presence at Election 2021 in BroomeNo Long Lines or Police Presence at Election 2021 in BroomeUnlike a year ago, there are no long lines expected and no police officers standing by polling places as residents go to vote on numerous local races.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Grace and Monachino Top Democratic Primary for Broome Family CourtGrace and Monachino Top Democratic Primary for Broome Family CourtUnofficial results in primary voting in Broome County has Democrats selecting Mara Grace and Sandy Monachino for the two seats opening for Family Court Judge.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Primary Voting Underway in New York StatePrimary Voting Underway in New York StatePolls open 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. June 22 for Primary voting in New York State.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Close Local Races Hang on Absentee CountClose Local Races Hang on Absentee CountAbsentee and military ballots won’t be counted in the region for another week and that could have an impact on some Southern Tier election results. Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte