Uncover Hidden Savings: Lesser-Known New York State Tax Credits Uncover Hidden Savings: Lesser-Known New York State Tax Credits It's interesting some of the things you can get a tax credit for when filing your taxes. And in New York State, there are a lot of tax credits. Don MorganDon Morgan
Pay By Credit Card Or Cash? Which Does The Southern Tier PreferPay By Credit Card Or Cash? Which Does The Southern Tier Prefer Do you prefer paying for an item by cash or credit, and why?Don MorganDon Morgan
New Walmart Scam Is Stealing Money From New YorkersNew Walmart Scam Is Stealing Money From New YorkersA new year has brought with it a new scam and this one is linked to a Walmart gift card scam that has been impacting New Yorkers.Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Is Payment By Hand Implant The Wave Of The Future?Is Payment By Hand Implant The Wave Of The Future?The "World's first entirely safe implant which you can use for contactless payments at any time, everywhere." Don MorganDon Morgan
Fake NYSEG Callers Try to Barter Bill Credit for InfoFake NYSEG Callers Try to Barter Bill Credit for InfoNew York State Electric and Gas says scammers are again trying to pass themselves off as NYSEG workers.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
National Chocolate Cupcake Day is Today and Other NonsenseNational Chocolate Cupcake Day is Today and Other NonsenseEvery day is a National something or other day. Some make sense. Some are just nonsense. Day is a mixed bag of both. Don MorganDon Morgan