They don't bother me...at all.
Bring 'em on.

Although, it does amaze me how many people are freaked out over bugs.
When they see one, and I'm talking about several people who work with me, either let out a shrieking scream, jump on a chair, desk, run in the opposite direction, or a combination of all.
Of course if I'm near, this person will enlist me to take care of the problem.

Fine, I'll do it.
Usually do, even if it's a cockroach, and even if it's alive.
It's not an ego thing, or trying to show how much of a man I am.
Bugs simply are not a big deal to me.

To take care of the issue, I find something to pick it up, usually a piece of paper, do a nice balancing act from point A to point B, so as not to drop the poor guy, and give it an unceremonious burial at sea (translation: toilet.)

Now I must stress that the burial is done in the men's room only, so rest easy ladies.
No chance of that little dude swimming upstream in your commode.

This subject reminds me of a video I recently stumbled on about a spider.
The guy says it's the biggest one he's ever seen, and he wants to move away because of it.
Why this guy is so upset about a spider, I can't quite figure out, but it's worth a watch.
Apparently around 400,000 people found it amusing.

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