Sleep Texting
I'm sure you have all heard and/or experienced drunk texting which means you are texting while extremely under the influence of alcohol and do not remember texting the next morning. The normal response to this when one wakes up is "Oh #$%*! Why did I text that?!"
Last night I discovered sleep texting. While thankfully nothing inappropriate came from my sleepy texts, it was nevertheless shocking that one could do this! I happened to have a dream, and my friend was in it. I have been waking up about every two hours lately in the night. When I awoke from the dream, I text the person, "Hey, I had a dream we were in a pool." Weird right? To be quite honest, I'm not sure why I was in a pool but anyways, I fell back asleep right after texting. I awoke a few hours later to read a text from my friend and responded lord knows what. Sleep texting is a real disease. I strongly urge you to lock your texting while drinking and sleeping. Friends don't let friends sleep text. Oh and after that, I also had a dream of me skinny dipping in the pool by myself. Upon looking up several dream dictionary definitions online, swimming has to do with changing emotions and our unconscious trying to make decisions i.e. your brain on drugs......I knew I should of bought my own drinks last night!