I don't know if it's a saying that originated with radio people or not, but we used to joke from time to time that the DJ code was "If it's free, it's for me, if it's not, it's forgot."

Well, sometimes free isn't always something you really want. And that's what I found out when I decided to go on various Craigslist sites from towns in several states and see what people are giving away.

Many of these things are just stuff they want out of their house or off their property. Sadly, I found some people giving away their pets. Also, a lot of firewood for free as well. Probably because it's just fallen trees or limbs that the property owners just wants taken away.

I found many eye opening items for free on Craigslist sites from around the country. Here are six of them.

Free Oddities From Craigslist

via Craigslist

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