I would love to get paid to do research on the obvious! You get to mess with the heads of hundreds of people and come to the scientific conclusion we all know is fact to begin with.

Case in point: a new study out of New Zealand looked at numerous people and their routines, via texts, to see what activities made them happy. It's really no surprise that sex came in first. The intimacy, endorphin release, the naughtiness. You get it (or you'd like to!).

You would think, judging by the top activity, the rest of the top 10 would be raunchy and selfish. Not so. It's kind of odd, though where caring for a child came in; number 5. Wait until you see what surrounds it!

1: Sex
2: Drinking alcohol
3: Volunteering
4: Meditating/religion
5: Caring for children
6: Listening to music
7: Socializing
8: Hobbies
9: Shopping
10: Gaming

I was shocked that volunteering came before kids. What does that say?

The least liked activity, just to quell your curiosity, was recovering from sickness. See what I mean? Like we need a study to figure that out? Geez!




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