We all remember where we were on September 11, 2001.  What I also remember, vividly,  is how we all came together.   It was automatic.  Everyone was our brother or our sister.   When I think of it now, I get chills.

Why then has there been such discourse about building the Sepember 11 Museum in Manhattan?  One word: control.  NY Governor Cuomo wanted control, as did New York Mayor Bloomberg and NJ Governor Christie.  This agency wanted control, that agency wanted control.  Really?  Even with something as important as this museum politics butted in?

By the grace of God, last night, on the eve of the eleventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks an agreement was reached.  I honestly didn't read to see who controls what.  I don't care.  All I care about is that the construction of the Sepember 11 Museum is going to start again.

As we proved after the horrible events of September 11, we can, as a people come together. Politics be damned.  There is a glimmer of hope that someday we can expand upon that, in my mind.

Until then, never forget................

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