What the Cluck is Going On?

City officials in one Swedish town are trying to settle a dispute over a noisy rooster.  Apparently some of the bird's neighbors are complaining that he crows "more or less all day long," while others call his chatter a nice contribution to the area.  (Big Wally has this very same rooster, next door to his house) The rooster's owner, meanwhile, argues that his pet is no more disturbing than a barking dog, but the issue has been taken out of his hands.

The local council's environmental office has come up with two solutions that will be sent to the environmental council for a final decision.  The first option would force the owner to get rid of his rooster altogether, while the other would impose a curfew on the bird, in which he'd be forced to stay inside every night from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m.

I have come up with a third option that should work for everyone, The owner of the bird should invest in... A Cock Clock!  (what do you think?)

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