There was a recent story in the news about pet peeves at restaurants, as I read the list of biggest complaints, which seem to cover everything from unsupervised kids running wild to dirty silverware or glasses, there was one very important item that was left off the list, the quality of the food.
Over the past year I have noticed the overall quality and presentation of food in many restaurants has declined.
My wife and I have a few places we like to go because of specific food items that they serve, I won't name the restaurants but I will tell you they are both national chains.
The food quality of our favorite dishes were a joke, one of the items looked like it was made by a 5 year old and tasted as much.
Forget the rudeness of people talking on cell phones, or even typos on the menu, how about over worked waitresses because of downsizing, cheaper food to create a larger profit margin which in turn results in slow service, bad tasting food, improper service AND if that's not enough we're expected to tip and pay for these bad experiences.
I can't say all restaurants are like that, many are not, but it's unfortunate that two of my favorites will not get my business anymore.


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