‘Danger Danger Will Robinson’ probably the most memorable catch phrase of the 60’s science fiction television series ‘Lost In Space” The thought of the series takes me back to my childhood and my memories of the first time I saw the TV trailer for the series.

The synopsis was about the Robinson family traveling to Alpha Centauri to start a colony. I remember I wasn’t old enough to stay up to watch the first season that had an 8pm start time. The series initially started very dark with an evil Doctor Smith who sabotaged the Robinson family and got stuck on board the ship as a stowaway, waking up the family from suspended animation to avoid a meteor shower and the Robot that would have destroyed the ship.

The first season was in black and white and after a few episodes the villainous Doctor Smith started to soften up, eventually becoming a cowardly incompetent fool. The series started to revolve around Dr Smith, Will, and the Robot and less on the other charters.

I remember Dr Smith would insult the robot and call him names like Bubbly Headed Booby, Cowardly Clump, and Ninny.

The show lasted 3 years but remained on TV in syndication for several more.

I was a huge fan growing up and I do own all three seasons on video, they are very campy and silly, but they take me back to a carefree time in my youth, so I still watch an episode every now and then.

'Crush, Kill, Destroy' another phrase from the show, and my favorite episodes include, when Will Robinson teleports back to earth, a trip inside the robot, also the Green Lady use to creep me out when I was little.

The show ended abruptly and never had a chance to resolve and bring John, Maureen, Don, Judy, Penny, Will, Doctor Smith and the Robot back to Earth, so I suppose they’re still out there somewhere Lost in Space.

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