Pumpkin Spice SPAM. Yes, It’s a Real Thing.
Feeling adventurous this fall? You'll have to log on to your computer this fall then to order some pumpkin spice flavored SPAM. Nope, you didn't read that wrong. We're talking about THE most recognizable canned meat jumping on the pumpkin spice-flavored bandwagon.
A couple of years back SPAM joked about how they should release a Pumpkin Spice SPAM because everyone else was releasing pumpkin spice flavored products. This year, they made it a reality.
The product will not be available in your favorite Southern Tier Grocery store. According to The Daily Meal, If you want Pumpkin Spice SPAM you will have to wait until September 23rd, and you will only be able to buy it at SPAM.com and Walmart.com.
Every year it seems like more and more products are trying to cash in on the pumpkin spice fad.
Pumpkin spice flavors used to show up in October and last through November. But every year they started appearing on the shelves earlier and earlier.
You can pretty much buy pumpkin spice anything during the fall, or maybe I should say mid-summer. From coffee and beer, to candy bars and cookies, and now SPAM.
So how does it taste? The Daily Meal actually got to sample the product and they say it is better than what they expected. One of the people who tried it said it reminded them of pork sausage.
[via The Daily Meal]
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