Our Guns N’ Roses Winner
Remember a few weeks back when we were telling you to log on to our website and register to win the Trip to see Guns N' Roses in El Paso? Well Kim Kelly of Binghamton did just that and the computer picked her as the grand prize winner.
Kim was hanging in the studio with me this morning and we had her on the air around 8:10. She said she had won little things before, but nothing like this. When Kim opened the e-mail saying she was the winner, she thought it was spam or that someone was pulling her leg.
This is an awesome prize. It includes; roundtrip airfare, 2 night's hotel accommodations, awesome seats for the G N R concert at the Sun Bowl and $500 spending cash. But that's not all, Kim and her husband will get to shoot a variety of semi-automatic rifles and handguns at the Sportsmen's Elite and enjoy lunch for two at the Lengendary Rosa's Cantina Mexican Dive Bar and Restaurant. It was sponsored by Gary's U Pull It.
I'm sure Kim and her husband are going to have a great time. And for all those who say, "why should I bother, I never win anything". If Kim thought that way, her and her husband wouldn't be going to Texas in September.
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