Now What Should I Do on Monday Nights?
It seems like our golf league just started a few weeks ago, and this Monday night was the last night of league play. That just flew by.
My wife Chris and I have been in this couple's league at Conklin Players Club for almost 15 years now. It's a fun league with very forgiving rules. We use handicaps so the league is competitive for both beginners and scratch golfers. Basically the motto of the league is to "just have fun".
The rules in our league are unlike the rules that governed any of the other golf leagues I've ever been in. If your ball comes to rest on tree roots, it's a free lift. We're there to golf and have fun, not to bend clubs.
On the two water holes at Conklin, if your drive goes into the water you can take a drop up next to the green so you don't hit your ball in the water a second time. Getting out of sand traps also has its own rules in our league. If you are in a bunker, you try and get out of the trap, if you don't get out, you can opt to pick the ball up and place it on the fairway next to the sand trap, and hit your next shot without a penalty.

We've been in the league so long that we've made many great friends there. One couple that was in the league almost as long as us are Kathy and Dave. With two weeks left in the season, they ended up moving to Virginia so they won't be coming back next year.
If you and your significant other are looking for fun league to join, I definitely think you should consider joining the Monday night league with us at Conklin.
Now the question is, what can we look forward to on Mondays? The league is going to reserve a few tee times every Monday, so if members of the league are available, they can just show up, team up with another couple from the league, and play nine holes. I’ll try and do that for as many weeks as possible, weather permitting, because it's going to be a long off season until we start again in June.
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