I had an interesting experience and thought I would share what I learned.

Since it was the Holiday weekend, the State Police were enforcing 'Click It Or Ticket'.
I left the station Friday and was headed down Court Street by the TA truck stop, when I saw flashing lights behind me.

I wondered if I did anything wrong as I pulled over. I sat with my hands on the wheel as two officers (one on each side of the car) came over. The officer at my driver's side window asked where I came from and where i was going, so I told him. He then asked for my paperwork, so I dug it out and handed it over.

Here comes the kicker. He asked if I knew why I was pulled over. I told him, no I did not. He said I had been on my cell phone.

Really? That was news to me! I told him I was not and showed it him it was in my tote bag, in a zippered pouch. I offered to show him my phone log as well.

He said nothing and walked to his car with my papers. After a bit, he came back and handed me my papers. I again told him I was not on my phone and told him there is no call important enough to take when I am driving. He said "So what were you doing?" and I said "eating a potato chip." Not kidding! He then said "Did you have your seatbelt on?" I simply snapped it and said yep.

Was I supposed to do his job for him? Wow! How do you mistake a yellow potato chip for a cell phone?

I get that the police are doing their due diligence, but seriously? Pulling me over for nothing? It ticked me off! He apologized, so that's something.

So here are the lessons I learned:

1. Click it or ticket is as much about cell phone use as the seat belt.

2. Police can be wrong.

3. Always keep your hands on the wheel, when pulled over, until they ask for your papers.

4. Don't put your cell phone in a visible area, especially during a Holiday period.

5. Throw out all old car paperwork. this will make it easier to find your current stuff.

6. If a policeman is grasping at straws, let him know you know.

Have you ever had an experience like this?



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