I'm currently under quarantine awaiting the results of my Covid test from last Saturday. To say the weekend and beyond has been good, would be a big fat lie.

In my previous article, I explained the frustration of filling out the Covid test application. Well, the test turned out to be as confusing to me as well. A few hours before I was to drive to the site for the test, I was trying my best to psych myself up to someone doing the swabbing thing up one of my nostrils.

Well, I received an email stating what I needed to do, which would include driving to a prescription pick up window of a local drug store. Upon arriving, I would be given a bag with a bunch of items in it.

As I continued reading, I was shocked to find out that I would be the one to perform the test. This brought my stress level up. The directions went on further to explain that I would put the swab up my left nostril until I met resistance, move it around, take out, and repeat the process with my right nostril. Wasn't one enough?

So, that's what I did, wondering if I did it correctly, since I wasn't too happy meeting resistance up my nose with a cotton swab. I really had thought someone professional would be doing that. Anyway, after I was done, I was instructed to take the swab and dip it into a tiny bottle of liquid and bring the swab up and down quickly for 15 times with out taking it completely out of this really small bottle.

After that, I placed it into a secure bag, and dropped it into the drop box, which I was instructed to clean off with a provided wipe. And then it was over. Now I await the results. Hopefully 2020 will spare me this nightmare, but it's not been kind to me up to this point, so we'll see.

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