The weekend is over.
It's Monday, the day we hate the most.

The Journal of Positive Psychology says Monday is not as bad as it's reputation claims to be.

Their study shows that when people were asked to rate their moods on previous days in the week, they remembered Monday as being worse than it actually was.

You think Mondays are bad because you just ended a (hopefully great) weekend.
The shift in mood from Sunday to Monday isn’t nearly as huge as the rest of the week.

Men’s Health has tips to make your Monday through Thursday better:

Weekdays at 6 a.m.: Send Your Most Important Email.

Zone in on Your Most Tedious Task Monday at 9 a.m.

Monday or Tuesday Afternoon, Schedule a Weekly Check-in with Your Boss.

Gather Your Team Together for a Meeting on Wednesday Afternoon.

Thursday Afternoon, ask for a promotion. You deserve it!

What’s the one day a week when you really get things done?

What day of the week are you least productive?

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