United Way of Broome Grant Applications Open
Proposals are open for the United Way of Broome County’s Strategic Communities Grant Program.
Nonprofit organizations serving Broome County have until January 27, 2023 to submit proposals for the funding opportunity.
A Request for Proposal (RFP) form and instructions can be downloaded at www.uwbroome.org/nonprofit-fundingsp. To access an online application, a letter of intent must be submitted by Wednesday, November 30.
According to a news release from the United Way of Broome County, the Strategic Community Grants Program is a combination of three grant programs which are: the Strategic Priorities Grant Program, the Basic Needs Grant Program and Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (HLC) Grant Program.
To help nonprofits along in applying for the funding, the United Way will hold a virtual information session giving organizations the opportunity to learn more about the Strategic Community Grants Program, the application and review process.
That virtual session will be taking place from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. on November 16. Organizations can register for the session on line https://forms.gle/kCD8kkzd6NdUzEPQA .

In addition, the United Way says it will be holding virtual office hours on December 8. According to the agency, the meeting will give prospective applicants a chance to ask questions about the application process. Meetings need to be scheduled in advance. Registration is available at https://uwbroome.appointlet.com/s/office-hours/citeam.
Additional questions can be directed to Community Initiatives Senior manager, Lindsey Mott at lmott@uwbroome.org.
The United Way of Broome Community Commitment is geared to achieving lasting, measurable outcomes in the areas of health, education, financial stability and family/individual basic needs.
The Strategic Community Grants Fund looks to encourage partner agencies to find new an innovative ways of creating impact in the community.