An expansion of the School Resource Officer program is about to become reality at the BOCES East Learning Center in Binghamton according to the Broome County District Attorney’s Office.

This program is designed to enhance safety and support within our local schools, as it plays an instrumental role in promoting safety, security, and positive relationships within schools.

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Called SRO for short, the District Attorney's Office notes that they "serve as liaisons between law enforcement agencies, schools, students, and staff, promoting trust and cooperation while addressing safety concerns proactively." The aim is to create an environment conducive to learning and personal growth.

With the well-being of our youth at the forefront of our mission, we are proud to bolster our SRO program. Expanding the presence of School Resource Officers in our schools not only enhances security measures but also facilitates constructive engagement between law enforcement and the educational community. We recognize the importance of fostering positive relationships between law enforcement and our youth. Our expansion into BOCES East Learning Center demonstrates our unwavering commitment to promoting safety, supporting student success, and nurturing a culture of trust and collaboration within our schools. - Broome County District Attorney F. Paul Battisti

Expanding the School Resource Officer program will increase working closely with school administrators and resource officers to guide safety protocols, mentorship to students, and contributing to prevention and intervention initiatives.

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