United Way of Broome County Announces Free Tax Preparation Service
Tax season is here, like it or not. If you need assistance, the United Way of Broome County and its partners may be able to help.
Our local United Way has joined with the 211 Susquehanna River Region Contact Center and Broome County DSS to offer free tax preparation services to area residents through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, approved by the Internal Revenue Service.
This service for qualified persons, according to the United Way of Broome County, offers free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing. To be eligible a person must have earned less than $64,000.
In 2023, more than 650 households took advantage of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. The United Way of Broome County notes that $1,149,109 in tax refunds were processed last year along with an additional estimated savings of over $182,700 in tax prep costs to participants, based on IRS estimates.
To qualify, your total household income must be less than $64,000, and you must work and live in New York State, hold no rental property income, and must have no other state income outside of New York State.
Appointments are now being taken through April 11, 2024. If you qualify, get more information and sign up by calling 2-1-1 or 1-800-901-2180. Tax appointments occur Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
You can also get more information online, by clicking here.
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