Demolition crews are ready to start tearing down several vacant buildings that were part of the sprawling manufacturing complex in Endicott known as "The Birthplace of IBM."

The long-awaited project to clear a section of the Huron Campus along North Street could begin soon.

Gorick Construction employees at the IBM Endicott demolition site on June 6, 2024. Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News
Gorick Construction employees at the IBM Endicott demolition site on June 6, 2024. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

Workers from Gorick Construction this week were on the site removing trees and making additional preparations for the big project.

The final hurdle in moving forward with the demolition appears to be receiving approval from the New York State Historic Preservation Office.

Some of the oldest IBM Endicott building are to be removed as part of the demolition project. Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News
Some of the oldest IBM Endicott building are to be removed as part of the demolition project. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

Broome County Executive Jason Garnar said the owners of the Endicott site - Phoenix Investors - are "ready to go."

Garnar told WNBF News that it's his understanding that contracts for the work are in place. He said they now are waiting for the state agency to give the final authorization for the project.

The county executive said "there's still some back-and-forth about the historical nature of these properties." He said he understands the history of the site "but these buildings have not been occupied for decades and they are completely run down."

A loading dock at the once-bustling IBM manufacturing facility on North Street in Endicott. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)
A loading dock at the once-bustling IBM manufacturing facility on North Street in Endicott. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

Garnar said the buildings must be demolished "to create a new generation of companies coming into that site."

He said it's his "hope and expectation" that the historic preservation office will soon approve the project to remove the derelict buildings.

The county executive said the Huron Campus owners are prepared to move immediately to start the demolition as soon as the state agency gives the "green light."

An iconic "International Business Machines" logo remains on one of the crumbling Endicott buildings. Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News
An iconic "International Business Machines" logo remains on one of the crumbling Endicott buildings. (Photo: Bob Joseph/WNBF News)

Garnar said it's vital to get the site "shovel ready" for businesses interested in setting up operations there. He said it would be "incredibly beneficial to Endicott to see those buildings come down and new buildings built to provide jobs to the neighborhood and the rest of the county."

Chris Pelto - who oversees Huron Campus operations for Phoenix Investors - could not be reached for comment on the upcoming demolition or what might happen to the site east of McKinley Avenue.

VIDEO: A brief tour of the east side of the former IBM Endicott "Old Building Group" targeted for demolition.

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Contact WNBF News reporter Bob Joseph: For breaking news and updates on developing stories, follow @BinghamtonNow on Twitter.

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