2023 wasn't as bad as it could have been as far as cold weather temperatures are concerned. And believe me when I say I'm not complaining.

Well, that's when we compare it to other years. As far as I'm concerned, any temperature below 50 is too cold. 70 to 75 is my comfort zone.

Lowest 2023 And All-Time Binghamton Temperature

The lowest 2023 temperature in Binghamton, New York according to the Extreme Weather Watch website, occurred on February 4th, at minus 13 degrees. The day before, we hit minus 6 degrees. All other winter days were above the 10-degree mark.

What was the coldest temperature ever recorded in Binghamton? Extreme Weather Watch notes that the year was January 17th, 1893. The low temperature on that day was a whopping minus 28 degrees.

On January 16th,1893  the temperature was minus 22 degrees, and on January 18th, the air was a tad warmer at minus 16 degrees. What a heat wave! February 9th, 1934 came close to equaling or beating to 1893 record, when the mercury dropped to minus 26 degrees. It's interesting to note that there were no records for the years1898 through 1925 listed on the Extreme Weather Watch website.

Coldest All-Time Temperature In New York State


But as cold as it can get here in the Binghamton area in the winter, we are no match for some other parts of New York State. The Adirondacks top any low temperature we experience. The Adirondack Mountain News Facebook page notes that in 1979, Old Forge dropped to a low of minus 52 degrees.

I can't even imagine how cold that is. And I never want to experience it either. The exact date was February 18th, 1979 according to The Insider website. The Adirondack Mountain News states that at that temperature a person would experience frostbite in just 5 minutes. By the way, for tips on how to recognize frostbite symptoms, and how to treat it, along with preventative tips, visit the Nationwide Children's website.

Check out this article detailing the top 10 coldest temperatures from 1953 to the present via NOAA Binghamton, when records were recorded consistently.

25 Creepy Vintage Christmas Ornaments You Won't Believe Were Made

Sure, you could decorate your Christmas tree with adorable ornaments that will sparkle and shine during festive family gatherings. Then again, you might be better off choosing ornaments that will ensure some of your family never return. We recently scoured eBay and found some of the creepiest vintage Christmas ornaments that will put a scare into your guests this holiday season.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock

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