Outstanding Southern Tier Snow Plow Names
In my opinion, one of the most under-appreciated workers are our snowplow workers. They go to work when everyone else is asked to stay home. Without them, it's hard for us to get where we need to go.

It could even be more difficult this winter with the NYS DOT being left shorthanded with fewer snowplow drivers on the road.. Do you remember in 2021, when New York joined other states in a "Name-a-Snowplow" contest?"
The winning entry was "Howe's Plow" in honor of Matt Howe from Candor. Howe was a DOT worker that was killed when he was parked on the highway shoulder in Nichols. He was in an advance warning vehicle when his truck was struck, seriously injured and would die five days later.
For the winter of 2021, one snowplow in every region would carry the "Howe's Plow" name.
Howe's Plow In Honor Of Matt Howe
Some counties in New York held a "Name a Snowplow" contest in 2022 but has far as I can tell, we didn't have one in Broome County. It's too late for this winter but that doesn't have to stop us from coming up with some names. Here are a few that I thought of:
Broome County Snowplow Name Suggestions
Howe's Proud Plow - We don't want to forget about Matt. This is also a great way to remind us to slow down for construction vehicles and to give them lots of room while they are plowing.
The Spiediest Snow Mover - How can you go wrong with a name that has Spiedie in it? It's also reminds us that if you're traveling behind a snowplow, the only speed you could be enjoying is a spiedie. It also promotes Spiedie Fest, August 4th-6th.
Phony Zamboni - The Binghamton Black Bears are having a great year and I have hockey on my mind. "Ladies and gentlemen, CHUCK-YOUR-PUCKS!!!" If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to get to a game.
BC Open Snow Cart - It's a great way to promote the BC Open golf tournament in June. Before you know it, the snow cart will be put away and we'll be getting out a golf cart. FORE!
Those are my suggestions, what are yours? In the meantime, let's look back at the BIG snowstorm from April, 2022.