It is an aspect of love that isn’t very glamorous and isn't talked about much but it is something every couple needs to know about. I am talking about bathroom hygiene.

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A recent survey by QS Supplies got down and dirty (so to speak) with 1,000 Americans to see how bathroom habits impact their love lives. Here are some things they learned that might make you chuckle, cringe, or maybe do a little bit of both.

Hygiene: The Deal-breaker

It turns out, 80% of New Yorkers aren’t willing to negotiate when it comes to bathroom cleanliness. If someone's not washing after doing their business, that is a major relationship deal-breaker for the majority of us. No ifs, ands, or butts about it!

Awkward Moments

Ever been in a public restroom with your partner and wished you were anywhere else? Well you are not alone— because 1 in 3 New Yorkers say they have been embarrassed by their partner's bathroom behavior.

Getting Comfy

In the world of relationship milestones, this one is a doozy. It takes about 6 months or so for nearly a third of New Yorkers to feel comfortable sitting on the porcelain throne in front of their partner. I don't think I will ever be but to each their own.

Shower Secrets

1 in 20 New Yorkers admit to multitasking in the shower and you can guess what they are doing.  When we tell you that they don’t wash their behind as regularly as they probably should. Ew! I think I need a shower now just hearing about that.

Gross Habits That Can Ruin Relationships

Check out the 12 grossest partner habits as revealed by

Gallery Credit: Lauryn Snapp

11 Bad Laundry Habits to Break Immediately

Save time, money, and frustration with these simple laundry life hacks. 

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman