Binghamton Residents Spend Less on Bills Than Average New Yorkers?
Living life in New York isn't cheap, but perhaps there is a little bit of light for those who live in Binghamton.

Based on data from Doxo, an online bill payment platform, residents in Binghamton can compare their bills to national averages and it turns out that we spend 31.6 percent less than the average New Yorker does each month.
In Binghamton, residents typically allocate $1,551 each month to cover their ten most common household bills. This amount is lower than the average for the state of New York, which stands at $2,266. When compared to the national average of $1,889, Binghamton residents are still spending 17.9 percent less.
Mortgages in Binghamton average $902, which is 32 percent lower than the national average of $1,368. Doxo also reports that rent in Binghamton in Binghamton is affordable at $691 a month compared to the national average of $1,129. However, we believe this data was likely pulled from the rent per room that is charged to area college students as finding a place to rent for under $700 is a rarity.
Doxo says that auto loans in Binghamton average $429 compared to $433 nationally, which shows that Binghamton residents are paying about the same amount as everyone else in the country.
However, auto insurance costs in Binghamton are 86 percent of the national average, with an average of $174 compared to $196 nationally. Utilities in Binghamton average $233, which is 72 percent of the national average of $328.
Health insurance in Binghamton averages $217, which is higher than the national average of $123. On the other hand, life insurance in Binghamton averages $56, which is lower than the national average of $82.
While some bills are higher than the national average for people in Binghamton such as health insurance, others, such as mortgages, are significantly lower, according to Doxo.
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