This week marks the first of 3 weeks throughout the year for a huge flea market and antiques show.

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As seen on Flea Market Flip, the legendary Brimfield Antique Flea Markets is starting up in Brimfield Massachusetts for the second tme in 2023. It is running from July 11 through Sunday July 16th 2023.

There are so many things to take in. Having now been there once, and looking to go again, I wanted to share some tips for my fellow travelers.

1.Wear comfortable shoes

There is a lot of walking to be done. From the car to all the grounds, you will be on your feet. Hope you have stamina.

2.It takes more than one day to see it all.

With so much going on and so many vendors, one day is not enough. I was told 2 days can make you feel like maybe you have seen it all, but in reality, you need 3 days.

3.Bring Cash

In the reselling business, cash is king. I am sure vendors are set up with Venmo or Paypal, but why take the chance. Cash is also very persuasive when dickering.

4.Bring something to carry your items in.

So you went to the show and you saw some cool items. You bought a few records. Maybe you bought some shirts. Perhaps a standing ash tray caught your eye. It is not easy to just go back to your car and drop things off. Your hands will get far too full. Some big bags or a cart or wagon will win the day.

If you can't make it this weekend, fret not. The market returns one more time for 2023 on Sept 5.

Perhaps I will see you there.

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WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

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