The Perfect Secret Santa Gift Under $20 for New Yorkers
It’s that time of year when you are not only playing Santa for your loved ones but also taking over the role of Secret Santa for your coworkers. Although partaking in these festivities is fun and enhances the holiday spirit in your workplace, finding great and in-budget gifts for your coworkers, especially those you may not know well, can be challenging.
To help start your Secret Santa journey, here are 5 (of 10) gift ideas, all under $20, that can work together, or stand-alone, in creating a meaningful Secret Santa experience this Christmas season.
Disposable Camera - Around $13
This throwback present will be exciting to receive! Giving the gift, and challenge, of capturing memories is a priceless present for your Secret Santa to receive! Available here- Target.
Smartphone Screen Magnifier - Around $17
This gift is great for anyone who loves to enjoy content on their phone! Now, they can turn their phone into a little movie theatre for watching sports, YouTube videos, films, or TikTok! Available here - Amazon.
Car Cleaning Putty Gel - $7
Anyone with a car will appreciate this small but mighty gift. With the cleaning putty, they will be able to easily clean all the dusty corners of their car! Available here - Amazon.
Mantra Daily Affirmation Card Deck - $10
This is the perfect gift for helping your Secret Santa start their everyday strong! Easy to keep at their desk, a deck of positivity can never go wrong! Available here - Em & Friends.
Coffee Shop Gift Card ~ price varies
Whether making this a one coffee ad-on present or the entire gift for a coworker who loves coffee, gifting them with a drink to start their day is a treat that can’t go wrong.
Utica Cofffee, our area’s proud and locally owned coffee shop, is a great stop to pick up a gift shop as they also sell merchandise and coffee bags for home! Available here - Utica Coffee.
Stay tuned for part 2.
Mona Chahfe contributed to this article.
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