You know the Olympics. You know the X-Games. Now, get ready for the most competitive and ridiculous one of them all: the Florida Man Games. The shocking reality of these nonsensical games is that the contestants are playing for a $5,000 prize.


There are real stakes here.


What Are The Florida Man Games

Suppose you've never seen the cultural moment that is the "Florida Man" news headlines or anything. In that case, you've missed out on drunk people doing dumb things, alligators in precarious places, drunk people being arrested for doing said dumb things and mullets. Lots of mullets. The news headlines all start with "Florida man..." and then you read the most bodacious headline imaginable.


Wildlife in Florida
Getty Images


Now take every headline you've ever heard and you'll find it at the Games. The creator of the games, Pete Melfi from The 904 Now show which covers news around St. Johns County, FL, described it as the "most insane athletic showdown on Earth". This is no understatement. Of the events taking place, here are just a couple:


  • Evading Arrest Obstacle Course - Competitors have to break out of a set of handcuffs, escape a cop car, jump a fence, run through a swamp, grab an "alligator", and slide across a slip-n-slide to save a frozen iguana.
  • Florida Sumo - knock your opponent out of a ring while holding a jug of beer
  • Weaponized pool noodle mud duel - Jousting in a mud puddle.


If you're shaking your head in disbelief reading that then you'll be even more shell-shocked to learn that's only 3 of 6 events. When one man was asked why he was doing this, he had the most Florida man response possible:


I love God and I love America, and I'm here to be a Florida man...if you die, you die. We're not gonna die though.


Incredible. To view the preview of the event, check out FOX's story on the Games here.


20 Ridiculous "Florida Man" Headlines (Part 1)

As soon as you see an article that starts with "Florida Man" you know you're in for a treat. It is always going to be a crazy, funny, or ridiculous story. That's why we like to write them. Here are 20 Florida Man stories with ridiculous headlines that have been published on 97X.

Click on the photos to read the whole article.

Gallery Credit: Megan

20 Ridiculous "Florida Man" Headlines (Part 2)

Here we go again...

Gallery Credit: Megan

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