Grow Up! These Bad Habits Make You Look Bad At Work
More and more people are returning back to work in person after working remotely for the last two years. Let's face it, some of you have developed some bad habits and it's time to recognize, apologize and move on.

Recently CareerBuilder.com had an article about the bad habits that we have at the office and what it can mean. So if this is you, this is what your really telling your office mates.
Missing a deadline:
What you think: It's only a little late, it doesn't mean anything. What they see: Your boss can't count on you. Remember that people are counting on you and don't think of deadlines are negotiable.
Not Being On Time:
What you think: As long as I get everything done, nobody will care. What they see: Your time is more important than anyone else's. If you don't respect other people's time then they won't have respect for you.
Checking Your Phone ALL OF THE TIME:
What you think: I'm discreet. What they see: You're not doing your job. You're not being paid to play or search on your phone, you're being paid to work.
Being negative:
What you think: Everybody complains. What they see: You're the person to avoid. Nothing brings the room or office down faster then constant complaining. It can change the mindset of everyone at your work.
Gossiping Gossiping Gossiping
What you think: I'm just saying what I heard. What they see: You can't be trusted. You'll be known as the one that can't keep anything confidential. When they hear something negative about a co-worker, they'll wonder what you say about them when they aren't around.
So grow up, grow a pair and stop acting like a child. If you change your attitude, you'll find more latitude at work and a better situation for all.
Speaking of jobs, here are 18 jobs that you aren't allowed to do under the age of 18.