Recently, I was watching the movie 'Pleasantville', starring Toby McGuire, Reese Witherspoon, Jeff Daniels and William H. Macy, among others.
The plot revolves around the characters played by Toby and Reese, who are transported to a TV show from the 1950s.

While watching, I thought about that happening to me. Which show would I like to be transported to and perhaps forever stuck? 'The Simpsons' maybe, though I'm not sure I'd like to be a cartoon character or anywhere near Homer. The 'Brady Bunch'? Men, admit it, you were in love with Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! Possibly 'M*A*S*H', but in reality, would I want to be in the middle of the Korean War? How about 'The Wonder Years', with the chance to buddy up with Winnie Cooper. Not a bad idea!

My current sitcom obsession is 'The Office', even though I never watched the show while it was on the air. I discovered it by accident through reruns last January, and became instantly addicted. I can't explain it, but that show really makes me laugh, a lot! So much that, and I'm embarrassed to say this, since last January, I have watched the entire 9 seasons, 3 times. Yes, that's 603 shows in 365 days!

I wonder if it's the comedy as a whole, or the infatuation with Jenna Fischer that keeps me watching? I can see myself being transported into that show, even though I know nothing about selling paper products.

So, the question remains, if you were stuck inside a TV show, which would it be?

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