I Lost My Brother Year Ago Today
I will never forget May 10th 2017. The weather was beautiful that day and after I finished my show here on the Whale I left to go help a contractor friend of mine with a house he was working on. I knew my brother was not doing well as he was fighting cancer for the second time. When my phone rang and I saw it was my sister-in-law Steph, my stomach dropped. I was still hoping that my prayers for a miracle would be answered, but they were not. I remember breaking down and crying telling my sister-in-law how bad I felt for her and their daughter, my niece Samantha. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about all three of them. I still miss him even though I firmly believe he is in a better place where cancer does not exist and he is no longer suffering. Every day I think about Steph and Samantha as well, and I say a prayer for them. I can imagine how hard it must be to walk in that house every day and not have my brother there.
Gene started working in radio when I was still in grade school. He was my role model both professionally and personally. He helped me get my first part-time job in radio back in 1989. He was always there to answer a question or to point me in the right direction when it came to anything that had to do with radio. I still miss my brother every day. Even though we would only see each other a couple times a year and sometimes we went weeks without talking to each other, we were still very close.
So if you tune in today and I don't seem to be myself, that's probably why. I'm not looking for sympathy or condolences, if anything, that will probably make me break down again. If you want to do anything say a prayer for my sister-in-law and my niece. I'm sure today we be one of the hardest days of their lives.
Below are the blogs I wrote last year, the week after he passed.