How Will You Spend Your Retirement?
I keep getting mailings from all sorts of organizations and groups about retirement and Medicare so much that I'm beginning to think I'm old. Oh yea, I probably am.
When I was a kid, If I were to describe someone at the age I am now, I probably would say something stupid like "That guy is really old. I hope I never look like that when I get old." Well the jokes on you, young Don Morgan. Or is it?
Well, all these mailings I get almost daily got me to thinking about retirement. Not that I plan to retire anytime soon, it's more like what would retirement look like for me? I've read that a lot of people are retiring before the average age of 65. Well, good for them. They handled their financial life well. I on the other hand, well, you know. I like to spend money I don't have.
But when I do retire, do I sell my home and move to a warmer climate? I've never been a fan a winter. Do I try the snowbird thing where I live in my travel trailer somewhere in the south or southwest during the winter months and come back to the Northeast during the summer months?
I've also thought about giving up the camping life, selling my travel trailer and buying another house, or maybe putting a swimming pool in my backyard. I love to swim, well, lounge in a pool is more like it, or maybe buy a boat and cruise around the Finger Lakes during the summer months? So many choices.
Maybe I will explore the fulltime RV lifestyle. Sell everything, buy a 5th wheel that is comfortable to live year round in, along with a truck to tow it. I think that would be my first choice, and as long as I'm healthy, just travel the country as much as I can. That would be an awesome way to spend my retirement years.