I have a few suggestions on this topic. Some you may fancy, and others you may not.Whichever you prefer or don't, I highly suggest you not do any of these things, especially on Valentine's day because they will probably just cause you misery.

1) Watch 'The Notebook,' eat ice cream and cry yourself to sleep.

2) Go to a bar, get wasted and complain to all the other patrons how your ex is a horribly mean person and you are all alone.

3) Go out to dinner and a movie by yourself. Now you might say, hey this is pretty brave of me but honestly, you are going to feel like crap when you see all of those couple around you.

4) Call your ex and tell them you still love them.

5) Buy a Valentine's Day cake and eat the whole thing entirely by yourself.

6) Write facebook posts all day about how pathetically lonely you are and unloved. Facebook is not your diary. Or your mother.

7) Make a playlist that in any way involves songs or includes songs such as Christina Perri's  "Jar of Hearts," Adele's "Someone Like You" or One Direction's "Little Things."

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