I will admit, I like Star Wars.
I don't think I'm obsessed with the movies and all that goes with it, but I do own the DVDs, and have watched each more than once.
Does that make me obsessed?

With the recent sale of the Star Wars empire to Disney, and speculation that more movies will come out, there's been rumors of some stand -alone Star Wars flicks.
Disney and Lucasfilm have announced that some one-shot movies may happen independent of the trilogy.

So what would that be?
Maybe the story of Yoda?
Would a story about the life and adventures of Yoda before the trilogy be good enough to fill the seats in the movie house?
I think if they do it right, it's possible, but would a movie filled with a lot of "Yoda Speak" drive people crazy?

Ain'tItCoolNews.com is saying that a Yoda movie is in development.
As Yoda would say "Just have to wait and see, will we."

By the way, if you are bored, and want to have some fun, go to yodaspeak.co.uk, type in a word or sentence to see how Yoda would say it.
"Think, his own movie, yoda must have.  Yes, hmmm."

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