Food-A-Bago For Broome County CHOW – Day Seven Update
After each day of 99.1 The Whale's Food-A-Bago Food Drive for Broome County CHOW, I have been giving updates along with pictures to let you know how our progress has been!
Friday morning, the Jim's RV (that's what we're filling up with food) had a fair amount of food donations for Broome County CHOW, but there certainly was plenty of space left that could be filled.
I was hoping the weekend would give us a tremendous boost in donations, especially since the weather was going to be great, and hopefully that would get people out of the house, and maybe include a visit to our food drive with at least one donation to help families in Broome County.
My hopes were definately met this weekend!
I was very pleased to see so many generous people stop by and donate food.
Several expressed their desire to give to the community, and some told of the times when they were on the receiving end due to unfortunate circumstances and were so happy to now be able to help others.
We thank each and every person who came by this weekend and donated food to Broome County CHOW, including the American Legion Post 1700 Harley Riders who stopped by with a check, and thanks to Isabella from Chenango Forks Elementary School, who went door to door in her neighborhood and collected food to bring to the RV.
Her dedication to helping out was probably the most noble of all, given her young age.
Thanks Isabella, and thanks to everyone who donated food all this week!
We're down to 5 hours, Monday from 5 to 10am.
At 10am, the Broome County CHOW trucks will come and empty the RV of food and take it to their warehouse to be distributed to families in the county.
Tuesday morning, I'll blog one last time, hopefully with a report on the amount of food and money donated over the 8 day Food-A-Bago food drive along with pictures, so look for that final report on this website!