I am about to get my health and fitness train back on track again. I know, I know. You have heard that before. And quite frankly I am a little tired of making promises to get the weight off, only to fail.
Well, I guess the same thing happens to me that happens to everybody. Something goes wrong, gets broken, gets sick, changes jobs, blah-blah-blah.

I am starting up the Big Wally weight loss express again, and barring another broken bone in my foot, and much laziness, I am looking to join the 30-30 club! That's at least 30-minutes of exercise everyday for 30 straight days!


We can all surely find at least 30-minutes in the day at some point to go for a walk, jog, swim, or whatever.  I am a member at Planet Fitness and I have started getting up an hour earlier to go to the gym to make sure I get in my 30 minutes of cardio a day.

Now that doesn't mean you can go hog wild in the 'shoving food under your nose' department. Eat sensibly. Use www.myfitnesspal.com to help you track your diet and exercise. I started my workouts 3 days ago on April 1st. My weight is 292. In 30 days, I am planning on being in a much better place. Join me and my merry band of weight loss hooligans at www.myfitnesspal.com, and friend request me at 'wallywess'. Our group is called Big Wally's Loser Club.


30-minutes of exercise for 30 straight days and to eat sensibly by reducing portion sizes, no seconds and reducing fat intake.  That's the goal.  If you have any recipes, dishes or exercise advice that can help, please add them to this blog!  Giddyup!

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