Debris removal at the site of the garage collapse near UHS Wilson Medical Center in Johnson City may be completed later this week.

Former Broome County executive Jeff Kraham provided this photo of his Toyota Highlander after it was removed from the rubble of the collapsed parking deck.
Former Broome County executive Jeff Kraham provided this photo of his Toyota Highlander after it was removed from the rubble of the collapsed parking deck.

Several vehicles, including a Toyota Highlander owned by former Broome County executive Jeff Kraham, were destroyed when the top level of the parking deck fell Thursday afternoon.

Christina Boyd, UHS vice president for community relations, said some vehicles were drivable after they were retrieved from the rubble.

Boyd said two motorcycles and a few cars parked at the facility were returned to their owners.

Crews were continuing to remove vehicles from the garage site. Boyd said the work to haul away concrete and other debris is expected to take at least a few more days.

Boyd said about 50 people had worked in the information technology department located below the garage. She said some of those employees are able to work from their homes while others have been moved to nearby UHS sites.

The servers housed in the basement of the facility are still functioning. Boyd said they are being monitored remotely.

Boyd said a full assessment of the parking deck had been completed in June 2013. She said the review made specific recommendations related to safety, structural integrity and deterioration prevention.

According to Boyd, the "priority recommendations were completed in 2014."

The collapse investigation is expected to take weeks or months to complete.

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