Camping at a Whole New Level
If you know anything about me, you know I love to camp. Well, that is, if you consider camping meaning having a travel trailer set up in a campground, featuring a huge concrete pad for the camper and patio, plus all the comforts of home, then, yes it's just that.
All around me in the campground, are extended families. Parents, their grown children, and other relatives have campers set up, and it's cool to see them enjoying each other's company in a different setting.
For me, I've been a loner, although I get invited to join in some family get togethers quite often. It's like having a second family. This this year that changed. One of my cousins and her family purchased a camper late last year and have become seasonal campers. And a couple of weeks ago, my little brother (who's taller than me) decided he wanted to try out this camping thing.
He purchased a camper, golf cart and just about everything else you can buy for a great camping experience. His site is close to mine...just about 30 yards away. I left home when he was about 4 or 5 years old, so it will be nice to reconnect, since I only get home about two or three times a year to visit family.
Now if I can just get a few more relatives to join our growing camping family, we can take over, and rule the campground. Well, maybe that's a bit extreme.
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