Broome County Launches Coronavirus Location Map
Broome County officials have launched an online map showing the general location of the confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county thus far.
The majority of the ten cases reported by the Broome County Health Department, not surprisingly, are in the City of Binghamton. The map and updated numbers can be found at www.gobroomecounty.com/hd/coronavirus.
While Broome County is reporting ten confirmed cases of COVID-19, the state is listing Broome as having 11 cases. The discrepancy may go back to the first reports of outbreaks in the state where New York mistakenly listed a case in Broome County which was actually a Broome resident who was attending SUNY Albany and was diagnosed and treated in Albany County.
Broome County says there are 99 tests pending, 91 COVID-19 tests of the 200 administered have come back negative. There have been two deaths attributed to the coronavirus pandemic in Broome County, 88 people are in precautionary quarantine and 97 people have been placed in mandatory quarantine.
Tioga County reports two cases, Delaware’s cases have grown by one to a total of five while Chenango County has three cases, Cortland County has two cases. Aside from the two fatalities in Broome County, there have been no reported deaths in the Southern Tier.
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