Blogging – What exactly is it?
As you may or may not know, 99.1 The Whale is now a part of TownSquare Media, a forward thinking company, and we are very happy to be a part of their media family.
One of the things they encourage us radio folk, is to let you, the Whale Listener, get to know us better through blogs on our website, which by the way, has been completely overhauled for the better.
Now, I know a few things about website design, content, and many things that make them interesting, but blogging is not something I’ve dealt with, or am familiar with.
I haven’t really paid attention to the term or meaning, but apparently people tell me I’ve probably read many blogs without knowing it.
I looked the up the word “blog” on Wikipedia, and it basically said blogs are “commentary on any particular subject” and is “a portmanteau of the term web log.”
Now I have to look up the word “portmanteau.”
Wikipedia says “A portmanteau word typically combines both sounds and meanings, as in smog, coined by blending smoke and fog.”
OK, then.
The friendly web people at TSM (short for TownSquare Media) suggest our blogs can be subjects about personal life, personal observations, the radio station/staff/promotions, news and info about our Classic Rock music & artists, etc., basically whatever we think might be of interest to you, our listeners/readers.
Wow, that much trust in us to write (sorry, “blog”) about anything that pops into our clouded heads, huh?
With that said (or written), I apparently have just produced a “blog”, the last Whale Personality to do so, by the way – Big Wally, Lee Ann and Holly have blessed you with so much commentary so far, I figured why do I need why add to it, but apparantly they say you want to read my rants also.
Not sure why, but...if you’ve read this far into my so-called “blog”, you’re more attentive than I.
So, if you enjoy reading blogs from dysfunctional radio personalities, what would you like to read/know about us in future blogs?
Let me can comment below, or not.
Thanks for reading…I’m blogged out now.