Binghamton Cops Throw Down the Scarecrow Challenge
Bob Joseph/WNBF News [file][/caption]The Broome County Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Services is accepting entries for its second annual Scarecrow Contest and that is prompting a bit of a throw-down among police agencies in the area.
The Binghamton Police Department is submitting a BPD scarecrow and has challenged other police agencies to enter the competition.
Residents will be able to see the creations at Otsiningo Park from October 7 through the 20th and find out what police agencies will be “eating crow” when winners are announced October 22nd.
Prizes are being awarded for the most popular creations.
Individuals, groups, families, businesses and, obviously, police departments are lined up to show their crow-scaring skills.
More information can be found at or by calling the Parks Department at (607) 778-2193.
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