Recently, a porn producer has had to pull his DVD's from the shelves for using Ben and Jerry's flavors as titles of his videos. The producer also used the white puffy clouds, cows and green grass on his labeling. Of course, i thought this was creative and hilarious so my coworker and I came up with some of our own Ben and Jerry's flavors. Tell me what you think and add some in the comment section if you can!

12. Chocolate Chip Nookie Dough

11. American Wet Dream

10. Triple Caramel Hunks

9. Baby Batter

8. Chubby Cream Pie

7. Butt Pecan

6. Cherry Does Garcia

5. Peach Gobbler

4. Sindy's Buns

3. Red Velvet Carpet

2. Two Girls One Banana Split

1. New York Super Fisting Chunk

Enjoy this while you can....I won't be surprised if I have to take it down soon.

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