Some people may be out trick or treating over the weekend as towns and villages try to corral the kids into doing their "begging" on non school nights. Anyway... here are 10 safety tips for Halloween costumes:
1. Only fire-retardant materials should be used for costumes. Avoid loose hanging parts such as sashes, shredded parts or overly long sleeves, which can easily catch fire from a jack-o-lantern or candle or get caught on something.
2. Costumes should be loose, so warm clothes can be worn underneath without restricting arm or leg movement.
3. Costumes that are too long and oversized shoes are tripping hazards. Avoid both.
4. Test any new makeup products in a small area of the inside of the arm to prevent reactions from latex or other adhesive allergies.
5. Consider hair-coloring products as an alternative to wigs. Check the product for information on washing and any concerns for dyed or chemically treated hair.
6. Outfits should be made with light-colored materials. Strips of reflective tape should be used to make children more visible.
7. Attach your child's name, address and telephone number (including their area code) to his or her clothes in case your child gets lost or separated from you.
8. If masks are worn, be sure holes for the eyes, nose and mouth are large enough for comfort and not restrictive.
9. Knives, swords and other accessories should be made from cardboard or flexible materials. Do not allow children to carry sharp objects.
10. Bags or sacks carried by youngsters should be light-colored or trimmed with retro-reflective tape if trick-or-treaters are allowed out after dark. In addition, carry a glow stick or flashlight.

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